Admin • February 15, 2022
Man Checking Furnace — Colorado Springs, CO — Home Heating Service, Inc.

After purchasing a new furnace, it’s a good time to think about all the things that you can do to make it run efficiently. The more efficient your furnace runs, the longer its lifespan is going to last. Here are some great practices that you should perform to help extend the lifespan of your furnace.


When your furnace has a problem, it can be easy to put it off. Issues like weird noises or odd smells may not seem like a big deal at the time. However, these are indications of problems that can develop in size if not remedied quickly. Any problem that you have with your furnace should be addressed by a service professional in a timely manner that helps prevent any bigger problems from occurring. The longer you can keep the original parts in your furnace in good working order, the longer it’s going to last.


For your furnace to work effectively, it needs to undergo regular maintenance. Every fall, you should be calling in one of our service professionals to perform maintenance on your furnace. This will help get it ready for the winter months and ensure that it’s working efficiently. Our service technicians will clean your unit and repair any foreseeable problems. When your furnace undergoes regular maintenance, it helps to extend the overall lifespan of all its components.


As a homeowner, it’s your responsibility to change out your furnace filters on a regular basis. Whenever your air filter becomes clogged, it will cause your furnace to overwork to produce adequate heat for your home. While experts recommend replacing it every three months, the timeframe for your home may be different. It’s best to check the state of your filter once a month and replace it as soon as you can’t see through it.


The average residential furnace is designed to heat a home between 70 and 72 degrees. After coming in from a cold winter day, you may be tempted to drastically increase the temperature setting on your thermostat to warm up. By making a large shift, you’re causing your furnace to continue to run.

If you set the thermostat above the normal range of residential furnaces, such as setting it at 75 degrees, your furnace will continue to run, trying to keep up with your heating demands. When your furnace continues to overwork to try to bring your house to a temperature that it is not capable of maintaining, it can prematurely wear all the internal components of your furnace.


If you have poor insulation in your home, your furnace is constantly running on those cold winter days. The cold weather outside will continuously seep into your home and keep forcing the temperature down. To avoid overworking your furnace, it’s a good idea to ensure that you have adequate insulation in your home.

Each area of the country has a specific R-value for insulation that is adequate for that region. You should check the insulation in your attic to ensure that it meets the R-value standard in your area. Additionally, you’ll want to close off any air gaps that you feel around doors and windows. The bigger the barrier between the outside of your home and the inside, the easier it’s going to be for your furnace to adequately heat up your home without constantly running.


Over time, the natural expansion and contraction of metal under different temperatures can cause the various sections of your ducting to pull apart. This can lead to unwanted gaps that allow the warm air created by your furnace to escape into the wall cavities of your home. Experts believe that about 30% of the heat produced from the average home’s furnace escapes through gaps in their ducting.

To remedy this problem, you want to get your ductwork sealed by a professional. This will help to close all those gaps so that all the heat produced from your furnace can be adequately delivered to the rooms throughout your home.


Home Heating Service, Inc. offers exceptional furnace services in the Colorado Springs, CO area. We also offer cooling, water heater, water quality, insulation, home energy audit, green comfort, and indoor air quality services. Contact us today to book your next service appointment.

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